The Gran Fondo is set to return to the Sea to Sky on Saturday, September 10, 2022, starting at 7 am until 4:30 pm, impacting traffic flow on Highway 99 at various times between Stanley Park in Vancouver to Whistler.
Sea to Sky residents should expect reduced speed, single lane traffic in both directions, restrictions on large commercial vehicles, road closures and detours. Police encourage people to plan for extra travel time, and they have resources dedicated to the event to facilitate traffic flow and safety.
“We hope riders, supporters, and organizers have a safe and fun event,” says Corporal Angela Kermer, Sea to Sky RCMP Media Relations Officer. “We also thank drivers in advance for their patience and attentiveness as the event progresses throughout the day.”
The four designated rest stops along the route including Porteau Cove, Alice Lake, Salt Shed, and Brandywine Chain-Up area.
Here are the traffic impacts for Whistler:
Highway 99 – Function Junction to Village Gate Boulevard, Whistler – Signals will be flashing and traffic will be stopped intermittently at the entrances and exits to key Whistler destinations. Expect major delays entering and exiting the east side of Highway 99 in Whistler.
Highway 99 – Southbound Village gate boulevard to Callaghan valley road. Signals will be flashing and traffic will be delayed from 9:15 am – 10:00 am for the neutralized lead out. There will not be full road closure.
Alta Lake Road – Alternate Route to Highway 99, Whistler – Alta Lake road will be available as an alternate traffic route from Highway 99, in Whistler.
Whistler – Various Cross Street Intersections with Highway 99:
Blackcomb Way West – Closed in both directions.
Village Gate Boulevard – Closed to northbound and southbound traffic from Highway 99.
Lorimer Road and Whistler Way – Both roads are open as alternate routes to Village Gate.
Whistler Northlands Boulevard at Village Gate – Traffic signal will be flashing. Traffic Control persons will be on site, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Callaghan Valley Road – closed in both directions.
A complete list of all traffic impacts can be found here.